Petero Leveni of the mataqali Nadakunibure, in Waivaka Village, Namosi, says never in his wildest dreams did he imagine such success as a communally-owned Domoika Adventures, when it opened on June 11, 2022.
I never dreamed I would see the day when this venture would take off,” he said, as Domoika Adventures was launched last week.
Petero Leveni
Let the world know we are here to welcome them, a spokesman for Domoika Adventures, has said.
Petero Leveni, a member of the mataqali Nadakunibure, traditional resource owners of Domoika falls in Namosi, has called for more international tourists to explore the day adventures on offer at Waivaka Village.
“I never dreamed I would see the day when this venture would take off,” he said, as Domoika Adventures was launched last week.
Scholarship Fund
The communally-owned business now finances part of the scholarship fund.
Through the years, villagers have raised $90,000 as education support.
“We also have a separate fund that caters for the educational needs of our vasu, or maternal links,” Mr Leveni said.
“We are proud of our vasu – they have gone on to make a name for themselves, holding high positions in reputable organisations.”
“And the best part is that they still come back in support of village projects.”
Mataqali Nadakunibure has close to 100 villagers, most of whom work for the development of Domoika Adventures.
Where In Fiji Would You Take Friends To?
The Coral Coast – It offers two different landscapes; both are great commodities for tourism. There is a sea, and there are in- land tours.
What Is Your Favourite Spot For A Coffee or Pie?
Dolphin Plaza, along Victoria Parade, Suva. A variety of dishes and the friendly staff make the experience enjoyable.
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